Sunday, June 14, 2020

Tick bites: The runners' summer curse

Earlier this month the Government loosened its grip on lockdown and allowed us to venture outside more than once a day. The news came as a huge relief for frustrated runners like me, who had spent two months in daily turmoil over whether to run on one's own, or walk with wife and children.

For one blessed week, I could enjoy the escape of a solo run around the streets of my home town, as well as the unutterable joy of a daily stroll with two ever-moaning, primary-age oiks. After such an extended period of enforced exercise restriction, this felt like we were being spoilt and that progress was at last being made towards a return to normal, or whatever normal may be in the post-corona world.  At least, all that was until I happened across a creature that would send me back into personal lockdown.

The creature in question was mere millimetres in size, but  when I noticed it firmly attached to my right calf as I stepped out of the shower, I knew instantly that I'd become bonded to one of Hampshire's most unwelcome of summer inhabitants, the tick.

A hasty Google search later and I was bent over my assailant, armed with a pair of tweezers. Pinch, but don't squash the tick and be sure not to twist as you pull in order to extract it in its entirety. The instructions were straight forward, but my new companion had done a Cummings and flagrantly disregarded all social distancing rules to bury himself head-deep in my leg. So, like extracting my children from McDonalds mid-Happy Meal, it took a surprising effort to heft the beast from its feeding place, thankfully in tact.

Thereafter, I did what all sensible, non-medically educated folk do in such circumstances and once again pored over Google in an attempt to reassure myself that I didn't have to worry about Lyme disease. However, the development of a suspicious looking circular leg rash over the next day or two saw me reaching for the GP's number and, one socially distanced trip to the pharmacy later, I found myself with a box of antibiotics and instructions to avoid sunlight for the duration of their course.

So, with the rest of the country enjoying repeated daily running in the outdoors - and my Strava feed seemingly mocking me with tales of intriguing trail runs - I have returned temporarily to the treadmill as I face a further week's lockdown. Well, almost.

Friday was, after all, my birthday, so the family and I did venture out in the sun and heat for a short celebratory run together. It was a pure joy, although wearing leggings, a long sleeve running top and a cap in almost 30 degree heat drew some strange looks from t-shirted neighbours.

My advice to everyone enjoying the sunshine and running al fresco today, avoid long grass and wear long running socks or tights if you can bear it. Ticks may be tiny, but they can pack an unpleasant punch and we've all got enough to deal with at the moment without them!

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